Why Managed Services Aren’t a Threat to Your IT Department

By: Joshua Beitler

We’ve heard more than once that “Larry, the IT guy” has your networking needs under control. While we haven’t met Larry, we’re sure that he can probably use an extra hand. Why? Because IT is a big job. And while Larry is super good at what he does, it’s also important to supplement his work so he’s not overwhelmed.

Managed services to the rescue. 

You Get a Partner, Not a Replacement

A managed services provider (MSP) should really be your partner. They shouldn’t make you or your trusty IT person feel threatened. They should make you feel like you’ve got help and support that’s just a phone call away. Remember, the #1 thing you should get out of your managed services provider is trust. If your team doesn’t feel comfortable, they may not be the right MSP for you.

When you  have the right agreement in place, your managed services provider shouldn’t be a threat to your staff’s job security. They’re there to support your IT, and non-IT staff, in achieving your organization’s cyber security goals. This can include the basic services you get from a managed services provider, a fresh set of eyes on a security or infrastructure issue, or additional help when a problem may be beyond your internal team’s existing level of expertise.

Your managed services provider should complement your existing IT person’s work. What happens when Larry wants to take a vacation? Who’s going to help your company while he’s out? Your MSP can be that person to help cover Larry while he’s enjoying some much needed R&R. Then, when Larry is refreshed and ready to get back to work, he’ll come back with fresh ideas on how to take care of complex projects. And when he needs to ask the managed services provider for advice, they’ll be there to support him.

You Get Access to a Breadth of Knowledgeable Experts

Your company may be considering moving to the cloud. Larry knows what the cloud is, but he isn’t sure how to move to it or make sure it is secure. That’s where a managed services provider comes in.

Your MSP should have the expertise needed to tackle complex projects that are outside of good ole Larry’s scope of work. But, don’t worry – Larry’s job doesn’t end there. Once the cloud project is complete, your MSP can train Larry how to do basic troubleshooting and maintenance.

Every day there’s a slew of new choices when it comes to technology. Finding the right technology group, choosing the right software, selecting the perfect hardware, and keeping up on the latest news and trends can be overwhelming to manage. When faced with a new purchasing decision, it’s easy to make the wrong choice with such a plethora of options. Your managed services provider can be an unbiased outside source to help guide and support you to a proper solution.

Your managed services provider has likely worked with a variety of clients with many different needs, configurations, products and platforms. They should be a friendly and reliable source of knowledge because of the variety of products, configurations and platforms they have worked with. They’ve built a breadth of knowledge that you and your trusty IT person now have access to. Bonus points if they’ve worked with plenty of organizations that have internal IT staff!

Bottom line: your managed services provider should provide your company with everything from everyday IT support needs, to once-in-a-while consulting services. The focus should be on you, your IT person, and your organization’s needs. Your IT department should never feel threatened; they should feel relieved that they have a backup team to go to for help or for something that is beyond their experience. 

So, How Do You Bring It Up to Your Internal IT Team?

While our IT experts play well with others, your internal IT person might feel threatened if you tell them you’re bringing on some outside IT help. The way that you bring this up with your staff is key to how they’ll perceive it.

Bring up the idea of an MSP with your IT personnel early on in your search for a provider. Give your IT person the opportunity to offer insight into what kind of help they (and your organization) need most.

When you talk with your internal IT team, bring up the idea of hiring an MSP in a way that does not make them feel undervalued. For example:

  • We’ve noticed how many IT projects you’re taking on…
  • We’re convinced you’re ready to handle more complex in-house projects…
  • We only want a provider to take on the day-to-day cyber security tasks…
  • We want you involved every step of the way…

The happier your employees are, the better quality work they’ll produce for you. Your managed services provider should complement your team’s work, not detract from it.

Need Help?

All managed services providers are not created equal. Get help finding the perfect provider by contacting us here or giving us a call at 410.685.5512.

Published August 21, 2018

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