Is It Time to Break Up With Your Old Accounting System for an ERP System?

By: Sharon Paul

Before you sit down to a romantic dinner and a glass of wine with your valentine tonight, think about this: when is the last time you really appreciated your accounting system? Do you love your accounting system? Or, are you finding your accounting system to be a burden on you and your fellow employees?

If this is the case, it may be time to break up with your old accounting software and commit to a full ERP solution. Changing accounting systems can seem to be a daunting task, especially if you’re used to a routine, but change can be a good thing.

Here are a few questions you should be asking yourself before breaking your accounting system’s heart.

Am I Happy With What I Have?

Making a change can be tough and expensive. It can be hard to find the ERP system of your dreams. However, if you really think about how inefficient your current accounting system is, you’ll find that a new ERP system is totally worth it.

Consider how much time you are spending to enter and rekey the same data into different places. Do you have ridiculous workarounds that interrupt your business when they stop working? Wouldn’t it be better to cut out the time you spend fixing errors and triple checking your Excel reports to tackle your important to-do list instead? We definitely think so.

Is It Time to Have the Talk?

Your departments should be able to quickly share data to work together. It’s even easier if everyone has instant access to data to make quick, informed decisions. Why? That’s the best way to help the growth of your company.

An ERP system not only helps departments communicate effectively, it also gives you the reporting capabilities to see your business in new, dynamic ways.

Who Can I Lean On for Support?

Whether you need onsite support or a quick remote-in to your system, Gross Mendelsohn’s Technology Solutions Group can help.

We will assist you from ERP implementation and installation to continuing software support. We promise you can depend on us to be there for you. We even offer a help desk staffed by multiple in-house technology professionals to help solve your problems faster.

If you think it’s time to break up with your old accounting system and take things to the next level, contact us online or call 410.685.5512.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Published February 14, 2017

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