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Maryland SPCA


This nonprofit has been coming back to Gross Mendelsohn year after year for a timely, meticulous audit since 2010.

What Our Client Says

"Our board feels confident in our numbers and in our internal controls, and that’s a lot in part to Gross Mendelsohn’s recommendations.”

— Jessica Lanzillotti, Executive Director

About Maryland SPCA

The Maryland SPCA works to improve the lives of pets and people in the community. Founded in 1869, the nonprofit organization places adopted pets each year into new homes, carefully matching adopters with animals.
Thousands of pets and people in the greater Baltimore metropolitan area are served each year by the Maryland SPCA through community outreach, education, humane care and veterinary services.

The Situation

Since 2010, the Maryland SPCA has relied on our Nonprofit Group to help them with their financial statement audit, personal property tax return, Form 990 and the occasional question on accounting best practices.

Jennifer Rock and Samantha Knapp work with the Maryland SPCA and keep them at ease throughout the process with their meticulous, yet easygoing nature while performing the annual audit.

Our team’s responsiveness has also contributed to the strong rapport with the Maryland SPCA. Timely and thorough communication with the Maryland SPCA’s board has given them confidence in their numbers, internal controls, our recommendations and offers a place to turn to whenever they have questions.

In Our Client's Words

“Our audit feels pretty relaxed, easygoing and fast. We’re on a calendar year as an organization and we don’t schedule our audit until after tax time, so we know it needs to be quick — and we’ve never had a problem getting it done in time.

Their ability to be thorough yet timely is pretty amazing. I’ve never had to have my board wait for anything.

Our board feels confident in our numbers and in our internal controls, and that’s a lot in part to Gross Mendelsohn’s recommendations.

Having the trust of our board and knowing that I have a place to go if I have questions really eases my mind.”

— Jessica Lanzillotti, Executive Director

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