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Posts by Scott Handwerger

Businesses Must Act by December 31 to Take Advantage of Tax Deduction

Beginning January 2014, businesses with fixed assets must comply with the new “repair regulations" issued by the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service in September 2013.
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IRS Issues Final Regulations (T.D. 9636) on Expenses Related to Tangible Property

If you’ve struggled with determining whether you must capitalize costs incurred in acquiring, maintaining, or improving tangible property under Internal Revenue Code Sections 162(a) and 263(a), you’re not alone.
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Sales Tax Not So Straightforward for Construction Contractors

Construction contractors doing work in more than one state have the unfortunate responsibility of understanding and complying with complex sales tax laws. To make matters worse, statutes vary from state to state.
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The Forgotten Deduction: Section 199 Domestic Production Activities

Every manufacturing business, no matter the size, should consider Internal Revenue Code Section 199, more popularly known as the “domestic production deduction,” as a potential tax break.
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