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Posts by Daniel Larson

Unallowable Expenses and the Art of Lost Revenue and Profits

It’s unfortunate when government contractors lose revenue and profits because they lack controls, policies and processes for submitting allowable cost claims. Adding 10% or more to your top line could be as simple as doing more training or more review...
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How Government Contractors Can Avoid Unallowable Costs

A few years ago we were hired by a government contractor to help them with a pretty big problem: their auditor disallowed over $100,000 in costs, and consequently, the business took a 5% hit to their indirect cost rate.
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Best Practices for Government Contracting Time Reporting and Time Keeping

A few missed policies here, a lack of training there, a few insufficient time entry explanations later, and it’s simple to get an overhead rate that’s going to hurt your pocketbook when you do business with the federal or state government. One of the...
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Poor Internal Controls Could Debar Your AEC Firm from Government Contracting

You don’t want to be a statistic or one of those “Poor Bob” stories featuring the demise of your company because you were removed from government contracting opportunities.
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