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Posts by Daniel Larson

3 Traits to Look for When Hiring an Accountant for Your Government Contracting Business

Not all accountants are created equal when it comes to understanding the ins and outs of government contracting. Understanding the compliance issues that encompass government contracts sounds easy enough: cross your T’s and dot your I’s, right? Wrong. ...
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Filter Blog Posts By Topic Login and Registration Changes for Federal Government Contractors and Grant Recipients

Government contractors along with grant recipients and managers who use the System for Award Management, more commonly known as, are seeing changes to the free database’s login and registration process.
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7 Easy Ways to Make QuickBooks Work Better For Your Small Business

Being a business owner generally doesn’t come with an excitement for keeping the books. But QuickBooks can help owners comply with the required chore of keeping accounting records in good shape without costing an arm and a leg — or needing a full-time...
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Quick Guide: Unallowable Costs In Government Contracts

If you’re struggling to understand the difference between “allowable” and “unallowable” costs related to your government contracts, you are not alone. Even the most experienced government contractors struggle from time to time when it comes to...
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How to Use Job Costing and Class Tracking In QuickBooks to Increase Profitability

There’s nothing quite like the sinking feeling you get when you complete a job you thought was profitable, only to discover that you barely broke even or, even worse, you lost money. These situations inevitably raise a lot of questions, specifically...
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Guidance for Protecting Your Overhead Rate from Overzealous Auditors

If your architecture, engineering or construction firm has been contracted to provide services to state or local governments, it’s imperative that you understand your firm’s indirect cost rate and how to navigate the FAR and AASHTO Audit Guide.
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